Why have a free ebook version?
Probably like many academic authors, we were initially concerned that open access might be viewed by others as meaning low quality – after all, if it was really good, why would it be “free”?
However, we […]
Maps We Like: Gini Index by U.S. County
I recently across this map showing the Gini index by U.S. county, 2006-2010. I suppose one could squint hard at the image below to find your area. But I’d suggest downloading a large version over […]
What We’re Reading: IMF study says declines in union density & minimum wages linked to higher inequality
IMF finds that eroding unionization & slipping min wage => inequality. The IMF? What is world coming to? Its senses? http://t.co/Ic70EpZXcN
— Dr. Manuel Pastor (@Prof_MPastor) July 24, 2015
Campaign seeks to push Seattle minimum wage to $15
Washington has the highest minimum wage in America, at $9.19 an hour, but that’s not enough – now, a Seattle campaign is pushing to make it $15. An U.S. Chamber of Commerce study says that […]
Forum will discuss raising local minimum wage
Chris Benner was invited to participate in a forum to spark a community conversation about the economic ramfications of increasing the minimum wage. This forum, sponsored by the Progressive Women of Napa Valley, is necessary […]
Guest commentary: Bay Area is not meeting its affordable housing needs
In this coauthored article, Chris Benner talks about the affordable housing crisis that has the Bay Area in its grips now. U.S. Bureau data shows that the Bay Area is providing enough affordable housing for […]